Dynamic Weight Training.com

Weight training is not subject to age or gender, I encourage all lifting levels to discover weight-training, to find and envision a Goal, increase your strength and knowledge and strive towards higher lifting levels, look past training plateaus, and build... your ultimate physique.

Weight Training Growth

Pumping Iron has become strongly encouraged in many rehabilitation programs, to enhance life. Strength coaches now witness dramatic increases in athletic performance and faster recovery times and less sports related injuries as a result.

From individual amateur sports-to professional, weight-training has sparked new popularity in fitness for menwhile increasing tenfold in women.

Women are finding new avenues on the road to self-discovery and empowerment through weight-training, learning that training with resistance does not make you huge. Resistance training builds strength, curves, definition and confidence. 

Research is and has shown that training with resistance as you mature in age - even into your senior years, have tremendous health benefits with strength increases seen as high as 60 - 70 percent! Often awakening a new vibrancy to enjoying life. 

                    Beginners Weight Training

Beginners should focus on basic movements to learn exercise form to increase strength and confidence while allowing the nervous system time to get used to anaerobic training

Beginner's should consider using less resistance and focus on compound movements, meaning: two or more muscles assisting on each exercise performed. Once strength and conditioning is achieved, you can begin to learn to...

  • How to plan, visualize and set goals in motion.

  • Handling the mental game of weight-training as a beginner

Training At Home

your gym

How serious you are and your advancement level can be decided somewhat by training at home.

training at home can be summed in one word: convenience, this convenience is great when you’re limited or pressed for time.

Check out out Dynamic weight training.com's newest article, What Is Natural Bodybuilding?  Distinguishing and defining differences?

As a beginner you may not feel comfortable or confident going to a big commercial facility at first?

So: training at home for many to start with, can be a viable and confident building option.

Purchasing a few good used pieces of equipment enables you to do a lot of exercises with little equipment at a low cost out-lay, if you’re creative.

Training At Home

Training at home has some great things about it. But there are also some great things to say about large commercial facilities. There is a lot more motivational atmosphere including encouraging and inspirational people your training alongside.

Some of these people will have lots of experience that you can learn from, for free.

Also, many of the commercial facilities that you visit will have a vast array of different mechanical equipment that you can experiment with; this makes life nice, but you do have to pay for it.

If you’re an advanced intermediate or advanced level lifter and feel you have out-grown your own home gym; then you may have,

and it may be time for you to consider moving to a bigger more professional commercial facility.

Training With Weights And Goal Setting

Once you have determined and made a goal: (set it in your mind), by visualizing it! This galvanizes and makes it become your reality. Make a plan of how you want to achieve it, and reward yourself along the way and 'go for for it’!

Weight training builds better bodies

The plan you make towards the goal you want is only impaired by the level of your commitment and creativity.

The greater the effort and harder you challenge yourself in the gym, the greater this connection becomes.

Interestingly enough, the rewards and benefits received from weight training can be life altering if you apply some enthusiasm.

Larger challenges in life surprisingly become easier as confidence, higher self esteem and inner strength all grow as a result, this change preserves our reality in more positive light, and...   

You don’t have to take a single drug to experience this. This place resides in each and everyone of us - just waiting to be discovered.

Rewards And Weight Training

The benefits of weight training and its rewards are endless:

Most us enjoy rewards, small or big; they always help enhance the quality of life. It spurs us on; making us want to try harder, forcing us to focus on becoming better.

The reward of making this connection from two different worlds within each of us will vary: this connection from the mental to that of the physical can become very electric, as you progress.

Cardio Weight Training

Cardio exercise directly stimulates the heart, lungs and pulmonary system. Weight-training on the other hand conditions and stimulates muscle-tendon strength receptors while increasing central nervous system efficiency, building stronger Nero-pathways that enhances fast and slow twitch fiber development.

The Difference:

These are two different fitness strategies, learning what each one is responsible for and the importance of them is crucial in any fitness lifestyle.

Cardio vs weight training

Cardio exercise is Aerobic: often preformed at a pace to allow longer periods of extended repetitive exercise keeping the heart in an optimum target range.

This typically is done by stabilizing oxygen levels throughout exercise duration, while building a stronger heart, vessel and lung capacity. 

Lifting weights on the other hand is 'Anaerobic': where oxygen cannot be stabilized throughout exercise duration. This conditions and stimulates the muscles, tendons and central nervous system to become more efficient at mechanical tasks: so which is better - cardio vs weight training?

Building a better body needs some cardio work along with a solid strength training program, that should also incorporate a healthy diet

Fact: ‘Diet’ is key! 60 to 70% of your weight and strength training results will come from proper nutrition and supplementation.

Learn a five step eating plan to training and weight loss how to get lean to stay lean, learn how to decode your body with different steps and strategies that do work if you stay consistent and apply them.

Assuming your lifting correctly and challenging yourself, new physique development, muscle-shape, definition and overall weight loss, will begin to show positive results quickly.

Plateaus and Over Training

Live Better Weight Training


Life and nature prefers things in cycles: so what does weight training have to do with cycles?

Your body will have times when it advances and times when it does not, including days and weeks when it is weak, and others when it is strong.

As you advance, lifters commonly experience strength and physique obstacles in training often manifesting as training plateaus.

These are normal even healthy, a plateau is a natural occurring cycle at the intermediate level, plateaus should not be viewed negatively.

To identify if you have reached a training plateau or not, learn 'eight' different strategies that you can implement in your training to overcome these barriers, if you arrive at one.

Advancing from beginner to intermediate... Are You Ready? - find answers to these questions to help you decide, if your ready for the next level-or not?

The raw truth on over training:

At an advanced level, you will more than likely begin to hear the word ‘over training’, magazines and gym gossip have given this word more than its fair share of bad press.

Assess overtraininglearn to avoid entering this overtrained state by recognizing seven different signs of this syndrome. learn to know your limit and train within it!

Advancement and growth is achieved through learning to handle bigger challenges and greater intensity levels. Proper lifting form, while improving strength, stamina and coordination is where the 'training' comes into weight training!

    Making Your Weight Training A Reality

Build your body

At the end of the day, the ultimate sense of satisfaction seems to always come from seeing results; the harder we work, the greater these results multiply, building self-confidence and self-esteem.

Altering your body's muscularity, definition, strength and seeing continued growth, I won’t kid you: comes with it's share of obstacles. The only way you can arrive at your goal is to work and train around these obstacles as they come up each day and week.

You can't fail, if you don't quit.

If you don't give up, the dream of achieving your goal will become your new reality! 

“winners never quit”, set a positive goal and don’t let life’s obstacles get in your way.      

Weight training and the rewards you receive from it are no different than anything else. Effort is always key to the reality of your intention, ultimately deciding what you see in the mirror, at the days end.

The most powerful tool there is in weight training Is You! Millennials' can often miss or not know the true power of the imagination...  

visualizing your goal, is what bodybuilders, weightlifters and strength trainers use to define and achieve their dreams-of what they want to build. Find what motivates you and let weight training take you there!


Questions or Inquires: see contact me

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