The Benefits Weight Training Gives?

Benefits weight training

The many benefits weight training gives is unique and special among all forms of exercise! There are very few sports and exercise programs that you can use or perform to develop, strengthen, tone or physically alter the entire body like that of weight training.

Weight training is a lifestyle, you essentially only compete against yourself; benefits are achieved by visualizing and setting realistic goals with rewards. 

Pushing yourself to reach a higher mental and physical athletic level is only one of the many benefits weight training gives. Weight training is not age or gender specific, any and everyone can weight train at any level.

It would be tough to list all the benefits weight training gives in their entirety that are specifically related to weight training; I would probably run out of paper before I could finish.

All jokes aside though, weight training is a lifestyle change that is growing in popularity around the world: but, especially here in North America.

People are beginning to see that weight training is not just for a few, that are genetically gifted such as; Olympic athletes, power lifters or for physique athletes like bodybuilders, etc., nothing could be further from the truth.

Weight training on its own is not competitiveHere at Dynamic Weight Training, it is encouraged as a lifestyle to enrich and enhance it.

The benefits weight training gives are almost endless, but lets discuss some of the ones that I feel would probably be the most important to you.

Increased Self-confidence, and Self-Esteem

  • The benefits weight training will bring to your life after only a few short months of training is, First: improved self-esteem often followed by an increase in self-confidence.
  • How? There are many mental, physical and even biological changes that begin to erupt within you from resistance training.

Performing exercises properly and energetically, the body will respond to this new adaptive process quickly. After a few weeks of weight training your body will begin to release endorphin's as a response to the training during and after each workout. 

This elevated sense of euphoria and well-being becomes very coveted by lifters of both sexes, and does not require the use of drugs to create this response - your body does this on its own! This is all part of the stimulation felt from the effort of the pump

Parallel bar dips

Other direct physical benefits weight training produces is; greater muscular strength and improved appearance of muscle tone; while also increasing your body’s capacity for greater endurance and bone density.

Visual results from physical enhancements often change attitude towards oneself and life, things that you may have never thought possible, now become possible as your strength and confidence grows, allowing this to becomes the new reality reflected in your mirror.

Increasing Your Heart’s Blood Flow And BMR.

This increased level of arterial blood flow through the major vessels will add more oxygen and nutrition to all of the different muscle groups, including the brain. Your heart will also become stronger and more efficient, so - what does all this mean?

Dead lifting
  • Weight training will also increase the body’s (basal metabolic rate), or BMR. This increases with weight training efficiency, new muscle promotes and insures longer-term fat loss!
  • This means: you can look and feel 5 to 10 years younger, weight training becomes the (physical-fountain-of-youth), greatly amplifying these changes as your energizing your engine.
  • If this sounds like a sales pitch or that you have to buy something; you are mistaken, your body does this naturally. Our goal is to help you with yours. By first: making you aware that this exists. Second: weight training is not as difficult to achieve as you might think.

Losing unwanted weight, toning muscle or increasing strength for men and especially in women, weight training activates muscle, but can leave some feeling a little unsure of whether these are benefits you want - or do they really help, give a leap on life. 

  • Muscle: Believe it or not, is the life-blood of your physical, active being, without them you could not preform mechanical tasks or walk. They often go unappreciated for what they accomplish for us each day. Simply put: life is easier when your stronger.
  • Muscle tissue is AKA. (active tissue), this tissue takes a lot of energy/calories to sustain it. If you want to lose weight through weight training or change eating habitsyou'll find an active body is a healthy and reactive one.
  • Effectively weight training enhances and increases your body’s overall efficiency, with things like balance, coordination, strength, endurance speed even reflex efficiency.
  • Increased Strength = muscle efficiency; which also increases your bodies fat burning abilities from 25 to 35%, (this of course can vary in each individual). Weight training typically produces what is called... the after burn effect.

You actually burn calories faster and more efficiently, than a person your sitting next to, relative to your age and weight (10 -15% more), that does no actively weight train... adding-up to a big calorie difference at the end of each week. 

A Stronger Body Has a Stronger Immune System

The benefits weight training gives comes in many forms, shapes and sizes, the benefits of this type of exercise are still being unearthed by sports medical physicians and laboratory studies all the time.

Benefits of weight lifting
  • Controlling or lowering your chances of sickness, chronic disease and infection.
  • Increasing your overall physical strength and endurance  you effectively lower your chances of heart disease, including certain cancers, diabetes even degenerative diseases like osteoporosis that can be debilitating or even fatal.

  • Other benefits weight training gives regarding sickness is: the common cold and flu in its many streams and forms can be reduced. A stronger body builds a stronger immune system. Anytime you increase the efficiency of our body’s engine you help lower and in some cases eliminate many of these scourges.
  • This new increase in metabolism and circulation through increased blood flow also helps control core temperature: e.g., If you’re always cold, increased circulation often regulates body temperature to normal levels.

Incline Smith machine press

  The Benefits Weight Training And The Aging Process

  • Over time, no matter how often we workout the process of aging is ongoing: time demands a small payment each and every day from each of us - unfortunately.
  • This aging process over time does cause muscle loss. The given name to this is ‘Sarcopenia’; this believe it or not, starts in our 20's in men and women. This rate or speed increases somewhat slightly as we age. Studies have shown that by the age of 50, men and women can lose 0.3-0.5 pounds of muscle for every year lived, from this point on.

  • Don’t despair; this is not meant to frighten or scare, this is just an honest heads up, weight training can help with this immensely. Will you still lose muscle over time? You probably will. This rate will increase somewhat as you enter midlife, but... weight training and proper nutrition will fight and slow this process more than you might imagine. 

Can You Relieve Stress/Tension Through Weight Training?

One of the best benefits weight training can and does give everyone once you've mastered some of the exercises...

  • Is the ability to relieve stress, something that a billion-dollar business surrounds that seems to be shrouded in a mystery of expensive prescriptions to relieve stress, and all to often most of us don’t know what it is were taking? 
  • Weight training as a raw exercise form, will also relieve tension from stress, which is the physical cousin to mental stress!

Often Stress is brought on by the simplest of things; worry or negative fixation on life's obstacles, can often be cured or soothed by simple things as well.

The nervous system naturally increases it's anxiety and tension levels as a response to school or workday stress. 

This mental and physical response is real and we feel it everyday, as the day unfolds. As stress and tension increases-you need an outlet

This is where Weight Training shows its true productive colours:

  • Excites oxygen and energy levels
  • Tasks preformed with hands and limbs are naturally therapeutic 
  • Muscle contractions release: Dopamine, Adrenaline Serotonin, GH, etc.
  • Increases sleep depth and duration

Self awareness becomes more acute as problem solving and efficiency skills become sharpened. If it sounds to good to be true, it isn't! Drinking from the cup of less stress is simple - it's human nature that complicates it.

Some of the things I have mentioned above, I class as outward-things that give us meaning and pleasure and a positive blast of inspiration to our lives.

The results from your training efforts will be no different, stress and tension will dissolve as you become stronger... which moves us to feeling the 'Inward benefits weight training can give'.

                  Experiencing Weight Training Inward

The reality of weight training

As mentioned, the benefits from weight training are almost infinite: 

At the end of each training day as you progress and get a better understanding of your body and how it reacts to the uniqueness of weight training - you will ultimately find a positive piece of yourself.

This piece is for each of us to discover in our own way, once you have; this opens up new doorways connecting your thoughts, feelings, experiences and positive emotions, often changing the passion of how we train-amplifying this new connection inwardly...

As this new connection begins to radiate, others will notice helping strengthen this new connection you make with yourself.

The only way we can experience most of life’s everyday things is through our bodies senses. The greater your physical condition becomes, only means: that your experiences are going to be amplified that much more.

I hope in some small way to encourage you, to give weight training a try. Of course only at your physical level and condition, and experience some - or even all of the many benefits 'even if you are a complete beginner'. 

I also would like to encourage you to check with your health care provider or family physician and see what he/she has to say before you start. 

Thanks for stopping by and checking out the benefits of weight training article, I wish you the very best, make your training fun, add variety and keep things imaginatively interesting; as this will go a long way to becoming a new lifestyle for you: if you so choose it?


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