My Fitness Journey So Far..

Strength Training at Home

Strength Training at Home

I’ve been blessed enough throughout my life to always have a very healthy, outdoorsy family and active friends, and so have never had a real physical issue with excess body weight.

Self-image, however, has been an entirely different story. I suffered in high school with self-love, as I felt that no matter what I did my body always had these parts to it that I just hated and could not get rid of. I attended the gym casually with my friends, however at the age for us it was 100% a social activity.

This social work out schedule faded, and I don’t think I worked out at all from the end of Grade 11 to about one year after graduation. After I’d taken my year off, I began redeveloping my interest in physical fitness, and after moving out of my parents’ house when I was 20, I began attending university through which I also had a free gym membership; that was the beginning of my motivation to take work-outs more seriously in my weekly routines.

I loved the feeling that consistent workouts was bringing, however I quickly began to grow very tired of the busy gym-style environments; always bumping shoulders with people, having to wait for equipment… it just didn’t feel like it was where I wanted to spend my time anymore. I have a body in mind that I want and know I can have, and so I did not give up.

Through a Bidding Wars website, I found a brand new cable-based home gym system for $80.00, bought it, and haven’t been to the gym since. I have so far added a bench, a lateral thigh trainer, and a chin-up bar. I truly believe I have found my niche: not having to pay, drive anywhere or put any effort into my appearance, is how I prefer to exercise. Thanks Steve for the info on 'Strength training at Home' it has taken my training in a new positive direction.

Don’t change yourself to fit an environment… CREATE an environment that fits YOU!


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