Testosterone vs HGH the Difference?

Testosterone vs HGH

There's a lot of commonly asked questions and general curiosity surrounding Testosterone vs HGH, AKA (human growth hormone).

This article will put each one under some scrutiny to detect which one might be the top performer for new muscle enhancement and strength performance?

The information here is about education, not dictation; merly a little help towards educated choices and decisions of first: what testosterone and HGH are; as well as where their found and produced.

What Is Testosterone and Growth Hormone Anyway?

Understanding testosterone and growth hormone, first: let's look at what they are? Testosterone vs HGH (human growth hormone) are hormones that the body naturally produces. One is produced and released from the brain, the other from the male testes.

Our body’s central nervous system is the main instrument that decides and distributes what hormones need to be released, in what abundance and for what purpose.

These assessments made by your nervous system are results of accessing feedback from Stress: this stress can be related to physical, mental or both.

This is why at different times, depending on what your stress levels are; the body releases hormones to meet what it feels is needed to compensate for these changing levels.

Testosterone vs HGH has had its fair share of studies into this deeply misunderstood sensitive aspect of our body’s biological nature, and is still not understood in its entirety.

Manipulating these natural levels with testosterone-synthetics or growth hormone is a choice, but…

Be sure you’re well educated and understand all of the health risks that are associated: HGH and testosterone are naturally occurring/produced hormones that already exist, before you consider using anything oral or injectable.  

Even today, this area has more than it's fair share of varying degrees of Gray, or inconclusive evidence on the subject.

little is still known about manipulating hormonal levels for optimum muscle growth, or performance effects.

HGH What Is It, And Where Is It Found?

HGH is a natural hormone produced by the pituitary gland; this is primarily responsible for increasing growth in children and adolescents. It also regulates muscle, bone growth and body composition.

Growth hormone, or somatotropin is also responsible for stimulating cell reproduction and cell regeneration. It also acts as a stress hormone that raises the concentration of glucose and free fatty acids.

HGH may also be used in certain conditions to help with aging or disease.

Using HGH outside of your body’s natural occurring levels when you’re between the ages of 15 and 25 (unless levels are deficient), is usually unnecessary simply; because your body is already naturally producing and administering these levels in heavy abundance.

In other words; the dosages have to be so high – (when you’re young) that health risks can become serious. Medical doctors can and do prescribe HGH in certain dosages for men, usually in the ages of later 40’s, 50’s and older, to help rejuvenate ailments of midlife.

This is an age-related chart of HGH and its production relating to these levels during the aging process.

So where is HGH produced?

HGH is produced in the anterior region or (rear) of the brain; this area of production is called the pituitary gland.

HGH levels in males

HGH is an anabolic hormone, that means: this stimulates tissue growth in bones and muscle primarily, it does this by adjusting your metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

To put a finer point on HGH, it can be viewed like our fountain of youth; it has a healing effect, and commonly released in small doses at night as we sleep.

Positive side effects from the use of GH if taken in stronger doses:

Can help adjust longer sleep patterns, or help children with growth deficiencies.

Through the release of HGH can also stimulate fat production, meaning: (weight loss) smaller dosages can result in cosmetic improvement, like: new skin growth and hydration to make skin look more youthful in appearance.

Negative side effects from excessive use of HGH

Prolonged or excessive use can and often does cause swelling, achy joints in knees and especially in ankles are common. Also the development of tendinitis such as carpal tunnel syndrome can occur.

Where bodybuilders may use synthetic forms excessively; can develop enlarged internal organs which can/may give the effect of a large waste or bloated stomach.  

      Testosterone What And Where Is It Found?

Testosterone is also another naturally occurring anabolic hormone it's primarily produced in the male testes.

Small amounts are also produced in the adrenal glands (located on top of each Kidney), and in the ovaries and adrenals in women...

This hormone is the most responsible for getting you out of bed in the morning. High - or higher levels of testosterone in males is the driving force or sheer increase in (strength and muscle growth).

Strong levels of testosterone to a healthy male is what high-octane fuel is to the engine for a sports car.

Testosterone is the main sex hormone and greatly assists in the development of the male reproductive system.

Other secondary sexual characteristics are things like; increased bone and muscle growth, including strength and body hair, this can be followed by; elevated moods of aggression, etc.

Note: these levels (naturally) are found more than five or six times higher in adult males than females.

Testosterone on its own, (if not administered medically), generally gets purchased privately through a Gray market system like gym users or Internet. If this is performed or self-administered, is usually referred to as doping.

Testosterone is often administered by injection with a 1 1/2 to 2 inch intramuscular needle - (in the back side), dosage can and does vary from athlete to athlete.

This chart shows simple testosterone levels in average males, but this can vary somewhat in each male.

Testosterone levels in aged males

Adverse effects of testosterone use:

If higher levels of testosterone are introduced into the system (in some males), the body can re-assimilate higher (or excess) testosterone levels turning this hormone into estrogen...

Yes, even in males, this can manifest itself in different ways from athlete to athlete, this can be noticed as body or facial acne, also seen is development of 'bitch tits', or referred to as (bitchy's).

This is an increase in fatty tissue surrounding the nipple in males and usually has to be removed through a lipo-medical procedure.

Premature baldness can also be attributed to higher levels of testosterone in some males... not necessarily what every guy wants; to be bald and have boobs! 

More serious side effects can affect liver toxicity, may increase heart rate or disease, can alter or change mood or behavior, (a.k.a. Roid rage).

Often bodybuilders and other performance athletes that dope may also need to take other things as their cycles are nearing their end; to reboot or reactivate production levels of these hormones, and increase sperm count.

This can be common as these hormonal production levels drop or even cease during times of self-administered performance drugs.

Positive effects of testosterone use:

An increase or stronger sex drive and libido are a result of increased testosterone levels.

A stronger sense of well-being and self-confidence can also be noticed and experienced in male athletes.

For male bodybuilders and weightlifters the greatest and most coveted effect is felt from strength increases and muscle enhancement, as a direct result of its use

Doping To Raise Athletic Performance

Personally: when it comes to doping or using synthetic or other performance-enhancing drugs, I stand on static ground. Meaning: using these and the risks that go with them are of course a choice that only each individual can make for themselves. 

Looking at your life and the direction you want to take it, including the goals you set out for yourself can and does have an impact on decision making. If the goal is to increase performance in amateur sports; then doping is expensive and carries risks for little gain.

If you’re challenged by your goal to become a highly competitive athlete to win cash and prizes or for the prestige of a modelling or television appearance/career, then: increasing your natural levels could be considered...

Only you can evaluate this, as to whether testosterone or HGH will get you closer to the goal you’ve set out. I am not a medical doctor, therefore I cannot give drug administering information.

Testosterone vs HGH concluding:

Concluding Testosterone vs HGH:

First: understanding that testosterone vs HGH are naturally occurring hormones that our systems already produce...

are distinctly different in their production and how the body and central nervous system use them. Despite all of the many tests that have been done,  results produced always seem to be a little sketchy and inconclusive.

This of course leads me to believe that some of the scientific data is not yet proven because: they simply don’t understand these areas of the human body in detail as of yet!

If you are trying to read and get a deeper understanding of what these hormones do and how the body uses them; that’s great, keep educating yourself.

If you want to use testosterone or HGH above what you’re body naturally produces. The very best and only advice I can give you is please, please consult with your doctor or healthcare provider.

There are many very real things that can happen when you introduce these hormones into your body in excessive amounts that the body naturally produces. If you’re testosterone and GH levels are where they’re supposed to be, you should be fine without them.

As mentioned: I am not a medical doctor. I'm only sharing friendly advice and information. Testosterone vs HGH is an article produced to give you just that: advice. I hope the article was somewhat educational and informative, take life one rep at a time… and enjoy it!


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