Weight Training Diet Tips For Women

Weight training diet tips

I can deeply sympathize with weight training diet tips for women. There are so many personal contributing factors, myths and ideas centred on diet tips and their facts, coming in and out of vogue from year-to-year; of not only what foods to eat and how to exercise, or what amounts of protein or carbs we should be consuming?

This can leave most feeling a little dizzy even overwhelmed, women don’t want to become a mathathlete in all this confusion, this should be about incorporating a better diet and a healthier athletic outlook.  incorporating basic dieting strategies, while keeping it simple to make this a more manageable lifestyle. 

Where are the diet and athletic secrets hidden in the forest created by weight training diet tip gurus? You can search on Google or in women’s shape magazines etc., and...

You will indeed find lots of tips and articles. But if you don’t incorporate them into your life, you will see little in the way of accomplishment in the Mirror.

So why do so many fail in developing good weight training diet tip strategies? This article is aimed at helping you understand how simple they are, but a lot of sticking to diet tips and meal planning is very psychological So...

let’s have a little look at this articles menu.

The Secrets of Weight Training Diet Tips, Where Are They?

  • I’ll tell you where they are: are you listening closely... There hidden in plain sight!
Female folding barbell

They reside in easy places to find not the inside but rather the outside aisles of your grocery store; in your produce aisle, in simple cuts of lean meats, fish, poultry, etc.

  • The biggest secret to successful weight training diet tips is...

You have to think in terms incorporating this into a lifestyle. Not something that is practised one or two days a week, or is picked up and used periodically and put away like a winter jacket. Mentally practising this as 'a lifestyle', changes your success ratio exponentially when viewed as a longer term effort. 

  • Something else that often lurks in the diet and fitness forest of confusion often comes in the form of carbs?

Research has proven; a lot of women fail at this juncture in the diet equation as many of us are carb lovers, carbs are essential: their the preferred fuel source for the body and brain to function properly. 

Don't fret, some of this is just simple preparation, prepare to work with and educate yourself on the types and amounts of carbs you should ingest, we'll go into this a little further down.

  • As a woman: learn to become more in tune with your body and its eating habits; even if your unaware it happens naturally each day.
Internal hunger scale

Try to a little more consciously aware of: the types of food you eat, including the amounts and times that you eat throughout your day, including your activity level, all makes a huge difference on your success scale...

  • Know the type of person you are?

If you enjoy cooking? Make healthier choices with mainstay meal choices which we'll go into. Cook with healthier cooking oils; try to avoid salt and fatty additives to your foods.

Instead, use mild flavored spices designed for the foods you eat. If you don’t enjoy cooking, but enjoy eating, then...

Think about preparing or cooking healthier choices ahead of time by freezing them or leaving the food in the fridge to eat later then simply adding a salad with low-fat dressing etc., after along-work-day, this makes life a lot more manageable.

  • Journal your weight training diet tips and strategies.

Many don’t realize the importance of writing things down to help solidify the goal into the subconscious.

This has very long-term effects and is one very important issue that gets missed in weight training diet tips: buy an inexpensive journal/book, if you don’t want to write in it each day then write a little each week, this easily gets missed in the forest of confusion, but adds to your eating success.

There are also different phone apps online, programs such as my fitness pal, etc. to help you with this.

  • Know where the patches of thorns and cliffs are in the dieting tips forest.

Most of us enjoy the simple pleasures of life, such as: alcohol and what you mix with it, generally these have higher concentrations of sugar, including wine. Try if you can to eliminate as much of it as you can, or cut back to one or two of your favorite beverages per week.

Part of your weight training diet tips and the success of them can be greatly added to by eliminating or reducing desserts, fried foods, refined sugar, pastry, soft drinks and other sweetened beverages. (I'm sure you've heard it all before).

weight training diet tips
  • Every forest of weight training diet tips has a cliff hiding somewhere:

This cliff that some commonly come up against is: (the cliff of addiction, from sweet or fattening snacks or fast foods), is the toughest challenge in the forest of dietary-confusion.

Essentially, you need to get from one side to the other side safely:

It takes a lot of discipline to stay motivated enough to stick to any dietary goal; to cross from one side of the cliff to the other and do it safely to reduce or eliminate addictive cravings.

Take the time to slowly detoxify all of the addictions you may have to sweets, pastry, gravy, ketchup, sweet sauces, fattening salad dressings, including alcohol, soft drinks , fried foods, e.g., French fries, chicken Nuggets, etc. (I'm sure you'll love me for that last statement).

I realize: this rolls off the tongue easy and is easy to type. I also understand that saying and doing are two completely different things. But...

This article is here to support and arm you with solid weight training diet tips and better meal planning efforts. As I too have suffered from some of these addictions myself.

Just be aware of where some of the dangers exist in the forest of diet tips, information.

Nutrition and Eating, Does This Differ From Men to Women?

Nutrition and eating

Women don’t need as many calories as men, for obvious reasons; mostly because we don’t carry the same amount of muscle mass. Men and women’s metabolisms do have similarities, but women do tend to burn a greater ratio of fat to carbs than men.

Manipulating your diet and nutritional process of what you’re eating when you’re eating and in the amounts you’re eating is just as Paramount as weight training itself.

Most food guides make a recommendation to be healthy and stay in a daily positive nitrogen balance as follows:

Protein:                  intake per day - 25%

Carbohydrates:     intake per day-55 to 60%

Essential fats:      ‘or essential fatty acids’, intake per day 10 to 15%

Now these figures are not written in stone but act more as a guide for you to give you a better understanding of what you should be getting or expecting from your food activity levels should also be accounted for

Protein and Women's Weight Training

Overhead presses

Your muscles like a man’s; needs protein. Some protein in food comes incomplete, so getting protein from different sources and varieties helps keep a good nitrogen balance.

Protein is essentially the building blocks of your bodies chemistry.

Protein produces the growth and repair of your muscles after each of your workouts.

This is why it’s important to introduce approximately 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per kilogram of lean body-weight, throughout each day, even on your day or days off.

Supplementing your protein intake, especially in the morning with a protein drink of 20 g of pure protein is a great start.

Also shortly after training gives a great benefit, as protein and carbs are often depleted, meaning: glycogen stores are at there lowest at this time.

Carbs For Weight Training

Healthy complex carbs

Complex carbohydrates differ from that of simple carbs. Simple carbs come from refined foods, sugars, pastry and some dairy products, this produces short-lived energy-spikes and consequences.

Sticking to starchy fibrous complex carbohydrates as listed below are digested and processed better in your stomach. That said: complex carbohydrates provide a longer-lasting fuel source than that simple carb food sources unless...

they come from fresh fruit such as apples grapes plums etc.

As a weight lifter, you should be looking for your energy sources from: complex carbs

Good solid healthy food choices that yield lasting energy come from complex carb sources as listed below.

  • Yams and sweet potatoes and potatoes in general, not boiled but baked.
  • Beans and legumes.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Brown rice.
  • Quinoa.
  • Whole wheat breads and pasta. 
  • Muesli, shredded wheat, grape nuts, granola etc.
  • Buckwheat, Rye, Millet, Whole grains, etc.

As a general note: save eating more starchy carbs for more aggressive training days, such as: breads and pastas etc. Another eating tip: keep starchy carbs to a minimum, consider whole wheat products, their less refined and pass through the body easier.  

Good Fat Bad Fats, In What Foods and Should I Eat Them?

Healthy fats

Getting better at reading labels on the food you’re purchasing and understanding what they mean is going to go a long ways for you in this lifestyle. This is a should do, if you don’t.

Learning and understanding what processes and ingredients are in your food often decides what sticks to the hips and what doesn’t.

Essential and nonessential fats: most of what’s found in food naturally can be deemed as healthy or essential.

Any foods that are processed that contain saturated or Trans fats should be avoided altogether. So the next thing you need to know is how do I get the healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats everyone keeps talking about? for more on Macro nutrients see, (weight training fat loss).

The healthy fats, or better known as mono unsaturated and Polly saturated fats are generally found in vegetable oils, avocados, nuts and fish etc.

If you’re going to cook with non-stick or flavored agents most of you probably already know olive oil is one of the better ones to use. For baking you can also try canola or vegetable oil.

Food sources that provide essential fats


Foods that produce healthy choices of fats that our bodies need, come from sources.

  • Peanuts, almonds, cashews, etc. preferably unsalted.
  • Olives. (rinse before eating if they have excess salt if canned).
  • Avocados.
  • Flax seed and sunflower seeds (unsalted).

Just remember when you do get fats from these sources. Enjoy them in moderation as this should only take up 10 to 15% of your daily intake of calories/nutrition from food sources.

healthy recipes

In summary:

Incorporating weight training diet tips and strategies into life, of course; is not always an easy road or a luxurious path toward athletic or fitness success.

Diet tips, meal planning and better eating strategies alters any lifestyle. So many women of all ages can miss this important fact. Life has ups and downs, sometimes it's full of stress where other times there can be lots of laughter.

Through these financially challenging times confusion, stress, boredom even anxiety; makes it is easy to second-guess oneself. Having a cheat day here and there when these days Hit hard, is a great way to maintain your mental health and success, often creates a safer dietary effort.

Changing your eating habits is one thing, sticking to them is something else altogether. This is very and I mean very psychological. Start slowly and work into it, unless you're already very seasoned takes more mental and psychological strength than most would admit.

The information on this page I promise you does work, but I cannot promise you that it will work for you.

That question you will have to ask yourself? I can only at this point share with you the obvious; it doesn't matter what diet-tip or strategy you pick or use, you actually have to physically use it.

If you use the information here you will have success, the information is free, all you need to do is supply some discipline and determination.

Don't be afraid to set your goals and go for them. And let your desire and the passion of what you want, take you there.


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